World of Warcraft
Post about World of Warcraft!

20 years ago 🤯

I do love a blind box 😍😍😍 Would you have grabbed these for £4 each

La démo d'Adami est disponible, prenez part à cette nouvelle aventure à travers le royaume de l'Adam primordial.

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Pelagos is The Arbiter who judges mortal souls in the Shadowlands. He's also the first explicitly trans character in the Warcraft series.

He was introduced in WoW: Shadowlands which GLAAD says "marks a bold new inclusive direction for the seasoned MMO."

You know, when you were going to complete that one quest and another side quest sends you off on a tangent.

WoW NPC Icon

3D printed, Bic pen core post, Dollar Store yellow lights, generic hair band.