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Stone barricade🗿🗿 made by Koda Chan#6397 in Discord.

Feel free to post your media content using the #playzelter hashtags to get it posted on our page!🎁

#indiegames #zombiesurvival #zombies


When someone trespasses on your property🏠 without invitation, you be like:​

'Alrighty boyz, let me load my gun 🗿'

#zombiegame #gamedev #survival #zombiegames #indigegame #zombiesurvival #zombieslayer #pixelart

The only thing that stopping them from eating is the fence.🚧

Credits for the screen to dvR#0726 in 💬Discord:

#zombiegame #gamedev #survival #zombiegames #indigegame #zombiesurvival


Get ready for such a pleasant meeting near the police station.🧟🧟

If you build a base there, then stock up on ammunition and more severe weapons.🔫

#playzelter #zombiegame #gamedev #survival #zombie #indigegame #zombiesurvival #zombieslayer #pixelart