All Posts in GameMaker Studio 2

For day 595 of coding, I have made improvements for the player bouncing off the objects

For day 594 of coding, I made a new state for the player that will have them get pushed by the objects briefly. It is a little weird with collisions right now, but will be addressed later

For day 593 of coding, I have made sure that the player wouldn't be able to move or dash until after the transition is finished

For day 592, I have converted the code for the player's movement and dash into a state machine for better organization, and to better prevent conflicting codes

For day 591 of coding, I made it to where the objects will disappear after colliding with the player. It's going off sooner than expected it to though

for day 590 of coding, I have adjusted the hit reaction between the object and player

For day 589 of coding, I tested different time intervals that determine when the lasted recorded collision will be cleared. So far, it looks like half-second intervals provide the best result

For day 588 of coding, I got the objects to be more reactive when colliding with each other. There are instances where the code doesn't work completely; like when there is a large group of them, and/or when they are in tight spaces

For day 587 of coding, I tried to adjust the collisions by recording the ID of the previously collided object. The results show that the operation is not consistent

For day 586 of coding, I attempted to adjust how the objects collide with each other to some interesting results