general in 2D Games

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Great news, three major game breaking bugs have been fixed today. One of these bugs have been giving me headaches for a year! Previously, an AI vs AI match would crash the game with this bug, however what you're watching right now is a full AI vs AI game!

hello everyone, this day has come, it's my birthday today. By the way, wait for something else interesting today.


Here's the new and completely ethical skill employed by the Kaiser. It's not a war crime if no one is left to report it. Right?

GHERHART Update 2.0.1 Version!

Happy Birthday GHERHART! Today we are celebrating 1 Year of the 2.0 version of GHERHART.


Well, long loading times are awful but fortunately you can change them. However, the longer it loads the more fps you have. (In Unity I got around 2000)

#MadeWithUnity #Unity #ProceduralGeneration


Blockhead 2D will be on Steam soon! Online will be an update that'll come soon after its release. For now, here's the trailer + sneaks peaks of the game page in the article below:


I've now added some basic movement. However, it will be replaced by a smoother one in the future...

#MadeWithUnity #Unity #ProceduralGeneration


Bugfixing is really hard, but visualizations help me a lot! Still struggling to find it though...

Oh, I also added some medieval background music.

#MadeWithUnity #Unity #ProceduralGeneration

hello everyone, I haven't posted anything for 2 weeks and decided to write what's going on here at the moment.

Read below: