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If anyone wondered about bosses in ride level shown in previous video, here they are:

I'm happy to present: upgrade menu!

With this, players can choose to upgrade themselves or not to deal with bosses which will get stronger

as game progresses.

Upgrade Menu in Robz Rush
Many games have upgrade feature so I wondered if I could create such feature too in OpenBoR, with upgrade menu also. Here's the result: Pause menu which also...

Shooting the bosses in regular boss fi.... wait, what are those shadows at the back?

Remember shots I've shown before? Now, the game has official page here!

Here are some shots showing final update for the game.

Here are some shots from my recent game for StarEye Atlas Jam (

It's about healer who fights by healing and supporting others.

The game feels different but fun nonetheless :) .

Hey guys! Update for Puzzle Puss is complete!

Here are some screenshots


Cop's and Robbers 2 coming soon


Cops and Robbers 2 coming soon


RTG - The Ray-Traced Game: arcade/puzzle game in development which uses 'software ray-tracing' technology.
This is level with some 'mysterious wall' which is related to game's story.


RTG - The Ray-Traced Game: arcade/puzzle game in development which uses 'software ray-tracing' technology.
Example of level where player has to use 'carriable light'.