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Deep inside ( hey sorry, i've been really slow with my comic, i didn't really know how to push things up, cuz it was kinda hard for me to make up something, so im just going to focus on other doodles that i want to draw )

Oh boy, more doodles of Tobe? I guess... (purple drawing made by quin on bozo gang!!)

This post is a joke, don't take it down

I was gonna make a remix of an undertale song for the 9th anniversary but I didn't have the time, so I just made Sans.


Stoppin' by to let ya know that I'll be postin' the 900 followers drawing this Monday at 5:30pm.

And as I reported, I was goin' to work on my GJC pack, and the 2 of my most voted Ocs have already been chosen!

ayoo !! half way to 2k

read article <3

Left out || (Comic) Part 4 || "Guys, what's going on?"

3D model birthday gift for my friend @iAbokai :DD

A part of the new area is finished

Haven't done this in a while...

From card to art ;3