Whatever The Fuck in The Fox Guy Foxtail Community

Let's Write Some Shit Mate

I have never been ice skating I have fallen on my ass multiple times

This drawing started my Game Jolt career

#MyGOTY is My Friendly Neighborhood #GJ2023 I remember being so happy feeling that sense of warmth when I helped all the puppets

Why did I get blocked?

What a wild year and as usual The Gorillaz are my number one artist also here's my playlist

Someone just sent me a link to a website with a foxtail butt plug I don't know what to do

I just had the best conversation I've had in a long time

I still have this and I'm never opening it

Severed head

By: Fox Guy Foxtail

I can't smile and grin am I that bad of a boyfriend hell am I that bad of a fucking person what did I do am I not worth it how did I get dumped by the love of my life