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Ok, I think I'm done with this room for now?

Time to finish up some stuff on the other two, then work on the progress post for April!

Happy May everyone! Thank you all so very much for your support!
Special thanks to @SubterraneanExhibit @Azumanga_Katherine and @AruOrlando for gifting the most Charged Stickers!

I hope you all had an awesome April and have an amazing May!


New version of the Choice Treasure Room! Made it smaller, added a Wall Plaque that can give you some flavour text/clue, and changed the lock system so that after you pass a gate the other one is permanently locked

Also did a Camera fix, now centred again!

Been working on the Treasure rooms.

I've added a new kind of object, a Wall Panel. It can give you information about an area (and the code can be reused for players to make their own signs)

I think I want this room to be a bit of a riddle?

Made a new Button sprite and adjusted how the collision works, not sure if I'll keep the circle collision box or not...I don't think it makes much of a difference?

But at least I fixed the flicker bug, where it was being reset making gates go brrrrrr