General in Twitch Streamers

Share your creations!

Stream Deck has background images and themes now!

13 YEARS! 🎉

My main gaming channel on YouTube was created in March 2011. It is now 13 years old. My YouTube channel can now legally use YouTube 😏

ALSO: Twitch Affiliate anniversary coming up soon! (since August 20, 2020)

Hi, I'm Riven Rifter! I'm just starting my YouTube channel, and hope to be uploading soon! 😎

Some random info for you stats nerds (like me) ... apparently my channel is in the top 2.86% of all Twitch streamers worldwide.

My average stream length is 3.1 hours

I joined Twitch in October 2019

Also, check the bump for Twitch in 2020 from COVID!!!

Apparently we've raided out over 100 times!

It's such a great way to find new streamers, just filtering the list by current game or topic & raiding someone new.

#GameDev #GameDevelopment #Minecraft #Enshrouded

(channel link in article)