General in Twitch Streamers

Share your creations!

Do people actually use the Epic game launcher or do we all just have it to download the free games and let them sit there like we are going to play them?

#gaming #gamer #gamers #videogame #videogames #epicgames #steam

Stream Deck has background images and themes now!

13 YEARS! 🎉

My main gaming channel on YouTube was created in March 2011. It is now 13 years old. My YouTube channel can now legally use YouTube 😏

ALSO: Twitch Affiliate anniversary coming up soon! (since August 20, 2020)

Hi, I'm Riven Rifter! I'm just starting my YouTube channel, and hope to be uploading soon! 😎

Some random info for you stats nerds (like me) ... apparently my channel is in the top 2.86% of all Twitch streamers worldwide.

My average stream length is 3.1 hours

I joined Twitch in October 2019

Also, check the bump for Twitch in 2020 from COVID!!!