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Working on the special effects for moves in #BattleGemPonies. Should feel more... Explosive

New devlog for Civilization Controller just dropped
(Much better than the first devlog I ever did)


#UnderwaterDiving ALPHA DEMO 0.96.0

You are an #underwater #diver surrounded by aggressive #fish and #mines

USP: Energy <=> Life + Stamina + Oxygen

Watch 90s of #Gameplay 20240603

DEMO also available on #Steam:

play it and rate it, only 4 people have


Quite an old visualizer for the map generation.

Green - start point.

Red - end point.

Yellow - path between them (passing through each town)

From left to right difficulty increases.

Also the difficulty higher further you from the path (reward as well!)


#NinjaScroller 1.59.9 with a BEST FLOW!!!

A challenging #PixelArt #ActionRunner game with a #Retrogaming vibe🕹️

You will face #Ninja🥷, #Wolf🐺 and #Tornado🌪️

Watch 30s of #Gameplay 2024.06.03

Also available on #Steam:

Hello, readers!

I recently made my first build for the game, you can rate it, And so soon there will be news on the game and remaking mechanics from the past for new games and everything else. Follow the news in Gamejolt!


Some more gameplay for Fusion Fighters... Obviously very WIP, but it's coming together...

If you like the idea of a fighting game where you create your own characters, follow and join the Discord

yo i finished making my submission for the Roast Me Jam for PinoPrime pls rate 5 stars hkghlkkdhkjlhhorororor


#UnderwaterDiving ALPHA DEMO 0.96.0 AVAILABLE

You are an #underwater #diver surrounded by aggressive #fish and #mines

USP: Energy <=> Life + Stamina + Oxygen

Watch 90s of #Gameplay 20240602

DEMO also available on #Steam: