Doodle in Doodle arts club

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Nat, The Coffee Lover

Sum Doodles:9

This fish is funny, but also lonley...

Look into how to sit properly at your PC and don't put too much weight directly on your elbows!


Sum Doodles:8

This is another Drawpile doodle I made a while back... A Pokemon idea generator gave me the prompt "poison sheep." I named it Ramson. So original.

I want to go back and revisit that concept at some point—make it cute. This is giving... Toxic.

Running (or walking really fast)

Sum Doodles:7

Rose's belly is getting bigger!!

((There's a baby inside))










Dogday is the ONLY reason I'm crawling into poppy playtime. THAT'S IT.

Bugle Heffalump

Sum Doodles:6

Wolf In Blue

Sum Doodles:5