GENERAL in Dumb Artist Fangroup

Dumb Artist The Dumbest Artist Of All


Only 2 correct answers

Ok,espero que esto salga bien.....

Ok, I hope this turns out well.....

Munch The Gabbit...! Again... Odd...

Im really not sure abt doing more experimental art because it almost never gets over 10 likes (ex. The laughing fatass one)

Made this back in January for School. I don't know how much the teacher graded me but I'm hoping it's high, I don't wanna fail school.

it’s my birthday 😝😝

Soldier tyger

Hey everyone!!! Ik it’s been a while and I’m sorry, I’ve been busy off internet and working a bit on me as well^^ I am working on a bunch of oc’s while also trying to figure out how to use X (Twitter) lol anyway I hope you like what’s coming^^! Lov u all!