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ok hi, just to let you guys know I still draw, just more Privately as of Recently, I've changed my style a little, meow.

speaking of "meow", here's a Meowscarada

@Dynocation but it's in an manga

I actually drew this in pencil but with some filters it looks more like a manga (or not Idk)

I was just doodling but this Idea came to me so I wanted to draw it :)

For me this looks super cool! What do you think?


I hope you like it ^^

Desenhei um coelho aleatório... não sei qual será o nome eo gênero dele, vcs escolhem

I drew a random rabbit... I don't know what its name and gender will be, you choose

ohh @Victoree :33

i love playing around with neon colors regardless if I'm good at it or not

This was a bit back when I had the give me 6 characters bit. I had also gave it to discord. I haven't gotten anyone so I might as well finally show y'all.

@Fazbonz OC sketch. There's so much black in this😅. It kinda made me temp getting markers but I managed.

happy birthday @BenjiroBoi :D

Funtime Foxy!