Questions in Furry Community

What’s this?

What y’all think of my user cuz someone called it uncultured cuz they an idiot

  13 votes Voting finished

Should i do a face reveal at 100 followers?

  16 votes Voting finished

Bro how do i get joltbux?

Can y’all tell me more about what a furry is?

I just joined the community but I don’t consider myself a furry, coming from someone who makes furry art. Oh and I also live with a furry, but can y’all help me on the topic?

Cause I love this guy so much and I only saw him for 15secs

(help me I'm turning into a total furry)

Alrighty this question has been puzzling me for a while now

Which one do you like more?

  23 votes Voting finished

My father wants to make a fursuit head without my Help, but I need to make the Base. What species should i make? I dont want him to get something too hard.

Pls Vote or give advice. Thank you

  1 vote Voting finished

Okay so. It’s a bit boring sketching and drawing my same oc over an over and I wanna try smthn different. Any suggestion’s?

slightly important question

What is your favorite furry species?

(Note: not just furry exclusive species such as prots or sergals, I mean like the basics like canines, felines etc as well)