Art in GameMaker

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does not compute!

This picture used to be a teaser for a game I was making that was later canceled due to another game in progress which is still being made. Even though this never saw the light of day, it's still a REALLY nice photo honestly.

It feels like an old artwork day, so here's some old artwork. This is a character I designed called Screech, bit of a late 40s noir style detective, with a bionic beak and a bad attitude.

I haven't got much visually to show today, but I'm working on my BSP based random room generator and fixing tile depth and spawning positions, which is a bit of a pain D:

Should be sorted soon though

friend or foe?

Official game channel link:


Fighting back the glitch infection the Orb Walker will not stop until the battle is over.



Under construction^_^(^^)😁😍❤️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️

Player skin