Design in GameMaker

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For day 366 of coding, I have started making a state machine for each phase of the game

So far I have only implemented the opening draw for both players


For day 365 of coding, I have now made a win/lose condition for this game


For day 364 of coding, I made it to where more than 2 cards are shown for each player


For day 363 of coding, I have made a start menu to decide how many decks will be used for the game


For day 362 of coding, I have rearranged the layout of the text to look more appealing. This will also make room for any prompts, choices, and other info


For day 361 of coding, I made a section to show both the dealer's and player's previous card


For day 360 of coding, I made a point counters based on the cards drawn for the player and the dealer

The points will need to be adjusted later to match whichever game this program will emulate


For day 359 of coding, I made a simple function to simulate drawing a random card from a deck


For 358 of coding, I managed to add a transition to the "Quit to Title" option


For day 357 of coding, I have added a transition for when you start the game