Share your creations!

Prototyping done - while teaching scratch ;)... time to get serious and get hands on Photoshop, After-Effects, Blender and GMS2!

#prototype #scratch #gamejam #opera #operagx


(For some odd reason the recording software i use delayed the audio, so sorry in advance for that.) Gameplay Is Relatively in minus a few hitboxes that need to be added, and i got the title of the game "A Couple Light Years", those are my updates for now!


6hrs of work into the GX jam: basic score and enemies.


Particles + Rope

Playing a bit with values for my GX Jam game entry and starting to quite like this game a bit. Still very early but its so satisfying I wanted to share. :3

comments and suggestions are welcome (and wanted). <3


[WIP] My Opera GX "No-Internet" game. The idea is that the game's colour scheme will match your Opera's theme.

Opera GX Game Jam Theme Revealed!

The theme for the GameMaker + Opera GX game jam is...

🛸 UFO 🛸

Create a game using GameMaker and submit it before August 13th. Join our Fireside Chat in the GameMaker community if you have any questions!


#gamejam #contest

1 hour until we announce the surprise theme for the GameMaker + Opera GX game jam! Be sure to join the Fireside chat in the GameMaker community on Game Jolt if you have any questions!

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Here you can discuss things, ask questions and show your progress using GameMaker.

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  • Post in correct channels

  • Have fun

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