vlogging in IRL

What's happening IRL for you?

New kitty

IRL Vlog 1: I finished my 1st day of the 8th week. I have a test tomorrow (A Science Test to be specific) and I have like one piece of Homework. (Yes I will do these Vlogs now.)

Back again after years I guess

Now I have to use Mobile Data for 5 days


Our first devlog!

Recording my own voice turned out to be creepy👀

But first impression of Godot, simply gorgeous!

Really cozy engine ❤️



Parents took me to fair. Got a necklace. Not really the same as Ace's, but it's still close. Just have to dye my hair and move to New York to be him.

Sorry for not posting (family issues)

I got the socks also miku forehead.

I made a strawberry cake! It is sooooo good highly recommended

What a nice morning

Thank you all my kind and patient followers 70 followers! :D