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Welcome to all!

Guess who has a new costume >:)


Adivina quién tiene un nuevo disfraz >:)

Welcome to chapter nº15, if the previous chapter was about construction, this one has been all about mining.

The mobs farm has been completely functional, thanks to this I have crafted more tnt to mine more debris for netherite, after this I went to the

Here is the end of the trip, but this is not going to finish like this.

From @EmulatorOfDreams we will be back and stronger than before, stay tuned because this doesn't end here.


Aquí acaba el viaje, pero esto no va a terminar así.


Character Nº 8 9-bits

(Fun fact: 9-bits, despite being a robot, its best ability is not its intelligence, as this is conspicuous by its absence, in fact the small device in its head was designed by Ana as a method to keep 9-bits from losing its data) :)


Welcome everyone to chapter #14, of construction, this time I created a mobs farm, I'm not very good at farms but anyway it's functional, there's not much more for today's chapter, this farm has cost me more than I thought, see you in the darkness ;)


Character Nº7 Dr.X

(fun fact: Doctor X was inspired by Uboa from the game Yume Nikki) :)


Personaje Nº7 Dr. X

(Dato curioso: el Doctor X se inspiró en Uboa, del juego Yume Nikki) :)


another original character for the game, this character comes from @MeatCubeGames , thank you very much Meat for supporting and collaborating in the game, I really appreciate it.

Egg is not coming alone, he comes with his own original map too, I will keep

Welcome and congratulations, we have already arrived to more than 100 days, in today's chapter I finish organizing everything I wanted to do and the fish tanks (the last photo), I hope you are liking this, we have already taken a big step ;)



We are here! me @EmulatorOfDreams and my team are going to clean up this account, there is no turning back.

our site is here, this is a warning, we will be back for more, that's all and see you next time


Estamos aquí! yo


The movement of the robots is almost finished, next on my list of things to do are the jumpscares and their killscreen so stay tuned ;)


El movimiento de los robots está casi terminado, lo siguiente en mi lista de cosas por hacer son los jumpscares y