All Posts in Scratch

Birth out some nice projects…

some demo footage from my new revisited edition of aircraft II

-graphics have been updated significantly

-enemy ai is now based purely on a "skill" parameter, making options now for a ranking system

-still very incomplete, stay tuned



Its getting hotter


Those are just my regular Mario and Rosalina Vectors, nothing to see here!

Trying to figure out how to make the office better but rn it looks horrible.

THE GUYS! (they're going to point the flashlight at an animatronic)

2 months old fnatisona returns with his new redesign go crazy.

his name is M and he lost his axe, say hi to him and be nice to him!!!!1

this sucks... ft. @Thardyz , @TaxesDave , and @BonkersFace

All TDATTS (Those Days At The TAF Studio) Characters.