assets in RPG Maker Hub

Share your creations!

Here's the animation I've made a Charm Animation btw. For the fan game.

Well uhh here are some crappy sprites.

Hope you don't hate them too much!

#spritesheet #randombullshitgo

Oh look he's been redrawn

A 100 portraits that I did for my game.

Working a bit on a redesign of the first boss of my game, what do you think so far?


Hi everyone! I'm working on my first asset pack, and here are some tunes from it. If you make RPG and need free music - write me in DM and I'll compose for you!

Might as well post this since I'm in here. But here's some sprites I made as a concept for a game project while learning how to use MV. (I don't post on gamejolt very often)

The Loyal art and free to use assets official release! (Reupload + Updated)

weird waterfall I made when I was learning how to make animated tiles for rpg maker

#pixelart #rpg #jrpg #rpgmaker #tiles #fantasy #aseprite #gameart #indiedev

How do ya'll fell about Mitch? should i continue drawing in this style?