Megaman x4 is #MyFavoriteGame many hours of playing, it brings back good memories
Can you believe they go through the FRONT of the neck to get to the SPINE?? And they used some medical gorilla glue instead of stitches. 🤣 High tech.
Been having a few bad days at home though, but I'm pushing through it.
#GJAsks who's my favorite platforming character to me which is Mega Man. For the blue bomber that start out controlling him as a tank-like to slide dash and charged beam along with the gadgets of Rush the dog on platforming game is a nice evolution.
what do i caption this with???
she do be sleepin though
for those of you who don't know what the weird light thing is, that's a television (though "distant cartoon sounds" probably gives that away)
I'm back home now. Rehab got me equipped with the basics of getting around with limited mobility, but the road to a full recovery is going to be much much longer.
Many more doctor appointments and rehab left to go...
The demo is out!
It contains the 4 playable Maverick stages.
A Little Update: I can't stand on my own power yet but I can shuffle around short distances with a walker. It's a hell of a lot better than being fully immobile!! My hands are improving too. Playing video games helps them a lot 😁