Iono - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
sylveon is jealous
sylveon tem inveja
So I started playing tcg pocket last night and I really wanted this card and I got it
Been working on a 1st person dungeon-crawler RPG thingy themed around pokemon (2/3)
This is the prototype for the battle system. VERY WIP. I got selection working. So that's cool!
Been working on a 1st person dungeon-crawler RPG thingy themed around pokemon (1/3)
This is the prototype for the overworld stuff.
Acá un poco de Gameplay oara ver si lo reconocen
Here a little bit of Gameplay to see if you reconigze the game
Been working on a 1st person dungeon-crawler RPG thingy themed around pokemon (3/3)
These are some concept arts! The stuff besides the first one are REALLY old. Have been having this in mind for a while.