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I am planning another type of customization, possibly implementing the ability to customize the beetle to your liking.

#IndieDev #GameDev #Games #IndieGame #Games #Gamer #Sherry #PixelArt #PixelArtist #PixelGame

One thing I will do is release an special skin for each platform that Sherry appears on.

#IndieDev #GameDev #Sherry #GameDev #Games #Gamer #IndieGames #IndieGameDev #PixelArt #PixelArtist


New feature

Now the flashlight can be turned on and off, it's not a big deal, but it can bring us some other mechanics

#IndieDev #GameDev #Games #Gamer #IndieGame #Sherry #Mining #PixelArt #PixelArtist #Minery


This weapon breaks the game, so far the most powerful weapon in the game, I need an idea to balance the weapon, either lower the damage or increase the enemies' health
#IndieGame #GameDev #IndieDev #Games #Gamer #Indie #PixelArtist #PixelArt


Finished, I have implemented a mechanic to turn off the machinery, this allows the transition to an improvement mechanic, now the fingerite has functionality

#Sherry #IndieDev #IndieGame #Games #Gamer #Indie #Game #PixelGame #PixelArt #PixelArtist