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#GameJoltColors #GUIDANCE

Monthly Devlog coming tomorrow(ish) Got some fun stuff to share ^.^

The new demo for GUIDANCE is finally here!

This is a massive content update, with several new areas, expanded gameplay, boss fights, new laughs and plenty of cutscenes!

#GUIDANCE is an original, meta, story-driven RPG.


Randomly changing the visibility on one of the sprite layers to the music becuuuuuzzz reasons.

Song is :

Don't ask me what I'm doing with this lol.

#wipwednesday #GUIDANCE

"Tetromino Crusher" Undertale/Tetris Mashup
"Mettatetris" art by the amazing Fireburn! everybody! Welcome back for DAY 5 of Week of NoteBlock! For the first time in ...

Heyo it's 3 am, I'm arg solving with artsy on this person @lxs-gdqif and apparently nobody solved his description so I just put it into a hexadecimal converter and here's what came up with...