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UNDERTALE: The Knight of the Goat main menu preview!!

King Papyrus

Papyrus in the role of Asgore.

Sprite was made by me.
Original Idea is from the AU called Altertale.

#Altertale #Asgore #Papyrus #Fangame #Undertale #AU #Art #Fanart

Error is #UnderNovela #Asgore biggest Fan"Girl" lul

also I can't draw Asgore for the life of me lul, at least this time i didn't draw a nude skeleton i guess


Hello everyone! This is the new and improved account for Undertale Brown! If you have any questions you wanna ask to the characters, let us know, okay? #undertale #toriel #sans #papyrus #undyne #alphys #asgore