Post about Unreal Engine!

Slendrina: The Cellar - Remastered Update 1.1.0 is live for PC and Android!
Cellar 2 Added
Player Stats Added
2 New achievements added (PC)
UI Adjustments (Android)
The text that now appears if you have collected all 8 books

Sometimes it's just cool to put the game in slowmo and see what it looks like.
#UnrealEngine #gamedev #MegaMan
(60fps video link in replies)

Designing systems is challenging, but making them work together is even harder! Here’s the new UI design for the Dialogue System interacting with the Quest System—assigning new quests, completing old ones—and the Save & Load system recording every step.

Finally, the DEMO of One More Experiment is out! What a feeling, my first STEAM release ever!
Full game is coming in SEPTEMBER!
Thanks everyone!!

Простите за качество, я до конца не настроил обс студио.
Скажу честно мне очень нравится заниматься им, довольно мощный движок, благо комп позволяет работать на этом движке
Скоро покажу еще больше прогресса

This is poolroom level in a Somnicore game that is currently being developed

UE4 Blueprint vs C++ Performance Test
plus Hybrid Blueprint C++ approach
Read article if you wanna know what I'm doing