Pixel Art in Artists & Writers

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Made an attack sheet for Akuto's god form

Doesn't cover everything

(That one attack at the bottom left is reality warping. He turned his flail into a yo-yo)


Z x 🌹 x Daily PixelArt b 448 d x 🌹 x Z

Z x 🌹 x Z Rose Human Z x 🌹 x Z

A $ 🐰 $ Daily PixelArt v 447 v $ 🐰 $ A

A $ 🐰 $ A Deer Rabbit A $ 🐰 $ A

Well, some sprites are ready for the game

#pizzatower #fangame

I completely redesigned Akuto's God Form

[Originally version in article vvv]

Y o 🍓 o Daily PixelArt H 446 H o 🍓 o Y

Y o 🍓 o Y White Berrys Y o 🍓 o Y

It’s Friday (and Valentine’s Day)! Got any plans for the weekend?

Here is a work in progress!

Happy Valentines Day