Pixel Art in Artists & Writers

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made this simple #pixelart totoro animation

O ° 🧟‍♂️ ° O Daily PixelArt * 451 * O ° 🧟‍♂️ ° O

O ° 🧟‍♂️ ° O Zombie Peashooter O ° 🧟‍♂️ ° O

haven't done pixel art in a while, so i made some Pixel Art of my character Nipy

New logo for my project

#pizzatower #fangame #pixelart

Y O ☕️ O Daily PixelArt < 450 > O ☕️ O Y

Y O ☕️ O Y Cofe Menu Y O ☕️ O Y

Hello everyone, my videogame Stone Forest is now finished and available for PC.

Привет всем, моя видеоигра Stone Forest завершена и доступна для ПК.

Privet vsem, moya videoigra Stone Forest zavershena i dostupna dlya PK.


~ A cozy night

I enjoyed the Cherry Blossom Torterra piece so much I decided to make more Pokemon variants. This is a Nepenthes-styled Victreebel, with a slight twist on the source of the tail vine.

This uses the Endesga32 palette, as did the previous piece.

He’s my baby boy!

T . 🏹 . T Daily Pixelart W449W T . 🏹 . T

T . 🏹 . T Shadow Arrows T . 🏹 . T