Projects in Purple Hat Studios

Talk about stuffz...

This lil guy is gonna be the .exe icon for THND :D (also menu programming is around 30-35% complete!)
Hey guys! We need some environment and character modelers for Twisted Inferno...if any of you are interested, please reach out!
We need a C# coder who can code in settings! (i.e. fullscreen, v-sync, GJ API, etc.) If you're interested, please let me know!
I need some help... (read article)
Alright guys, I found a composer! @Zahyo will be the new composer for THND! Special thanks to @OstawoltGames
for helping out with finding one!

So, I made two full levels! (3 actually, but that's a secret)
I also added ambient on level 1.
I probably won't continue with the development, since it's just a test run.