All Posts in Stardew Valley

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Hey all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'm creating my own AI app for making 3D games with some friends

How was your experience trying AI games? Or if you used AI to draw, paint, model objects, write stories!

You can write on this post if you like/dislike AI (and why)

  3 votes Voting finished

A collaboration with Undertale: Neon and Stardew Valley, AND Pizza Tower is going to occur soon! More details coming soon! Nubia is going to be an NPC for a blocked-off area in Stardew, and they are also going to be a playable skin in Pizza Tower!

The two screenshots I took😔

I wish I took more💔💔

Game Theory: Pierre's a cheater?!

I'm way late to the party but omg how good is Stardew Valley???

My partner and I started it the other night and I can already tell I'm going to be neglecting my real life commitments for this game! Hit me up with some beginners tips if you have any