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Thank you all so much for your support last month,it really means a lot to me!
The top 3 got shuffled but they held on!

Special thanks to @SubterraneanExhibit |@Azumanga_Katherine|@DangerouslySlowCat

I hope you all have an fantastic April!

Take Care!

March is finally over, and that means it's legit Give a Goblin Cheese Day!!

Now, I know some of you aren't lucky enough to know a Goblin in real life so feel free to reply here with cheese!

I hope you and all the Goblins have a great day!

Fishing is no longer Shore object related, now just checks the grid for Deep or deeper water.
This means I can have Underground fishing!

Still need to add bait and a UI, but does this look easy enough to understand, play?


I LIED, still awake, did the code.
Grid collision now flips so you can't walk into the ocean, and can't sail on the land!

You can do both on Shallows

now slep

Added a bit of code to stop Items getting stuck in walls...might need to disable the throw/bounce code when doing it

Barrels (and the other Underground things)

Because Rocks get squash/squeezed when you hit them I should really work out the correct offset for Barrels, but MWEH! If I give them 1 HP it doesn't matter

now I've drawn them, I get to sleep

Added Ceramic Pots to smash and Gobloons to collect.
They go straight into your wallet instead of your inventory!

Reworked explosive walls. Instead of just doing checks for walls that can explode nearby they drop an invisible bomb. So now they chain with a delay, much more satisfying!


Gonna have an early night for once

Tomorrow I get to eat the cheese, and I guess work on more Underground and Circuit stuff.
I'd like to set up a variable to designate things that can be connected to buttons without just adding them to a switch statement

Got VERY basic Underground Ruin rooms set up.
I can have different designs and assign buttons randomly to Devices like Spiked Gates and have random loot in Chests!