Put on a big smile!

Yesterday the Joey Drew Studios team introduced us to their newest installment in the Bendy series coming soon to Nintendo Switch! Exciting stuff!


"BENDY: CAMPUS CRUSH" - Official Nintendo Switch Trailer
Love is in the air and in the ink! Join all your favorite Bendy characters as they attend school as classmates and solve the strange, dark mystery that's all...
"The Lost Cycle" - Coming Soon
The Lost Cycle - is an adventure in an old abandoned animation studio. You play as a lost one who remembers the past cycle.

Joey Drew DESTROYS Wilson

YouTube version: https://youtu.be/iAJZ-nHjwaY

GottemGod Bless and have a nice day! :)------------------------------------Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/AJrvRKZ--------------------------------...

The Sock Is Here.

Sock And The Dark Revenge 2022-2023


Носок Здесь.

Носок и Тёмная Месть 2022-2023








The Dancing Demon!

Stylized sammy


I made this cake for a fireside at the end of last year. I actually made this cake by ripping the head off SANS cake and reusing the body. Who saw me do that?

Welcome to The Studio!

Ever wanted to share your Bendy fan art, but never knew where? Ever made a Bendy fangame and wanted to promote it? Then, this is the right place for you!

Keep in mind this is unofficial. The Bendy series belongs to Joey Drew Studios.

Community Rules:

  1. Don't steal art! Credit the original artist and don't claim it as yours.

  2. No NSFW of any kind.

  3. No spam posts! Don't make a post about something more than once. (Ex: No posting the same art more than once)

  4. No IP grabbing and/or doxxing. Don't leak people's personal information.

  5. No harassing or bullying others or yourself.

  6. No off-topic posts! Only post things related to the Bendy series.

  7. No advertising other communities! You can advertise your Bendy related creations in the Show & Tell channel, but that's it!

  8. Have fun and enjoy your stay!

Report A community for about 5 years