general in Devs

Indie Games

Just a cute goober pea 3d model by: @boxgreen


For day 613 of coding, I have reverted the knockback process back to how it was before until further notice. I've also made it to where the player will face the same direction as before the bounce


Thank you very much for supporting me

Version 1.0.2 Alfa 3


For day 612 of coding, I have altered the knockback process to stop once the player hits the wall

About 2 weeks ago we opened the new era Discord Server and it is already at 7 boosts!!


For day 611 of coding, I made sure that the object resets properly whenever the player goes down the stairs

A littles advances of the game

⚠️⚠️⚠️spoiler alert⚠️⚠️⚠️