Character in Design

Share your creations!

I wonder who will win?

Go on now... Lay down the beat for me...

(Art by me | Uncle Samsonite by Jake Bowen)

Orange - Crewmate/Engineer

Grey - Imposter/Phantom

Black - Imposter/Shapeshifter

cute lil girlypop bug

Would you kill them?

Work in progress of the new (n probably last) circus mode of the shapeshifter #oc yuju

Clown mode, despite has color hints of ther two specially the base one and magician, cose the more proffesional #clowns have a bit of illusionist or acrobat too.

simple repost so i can share this in communities :3

(thanks to @Victoree for recommending these communities + helping me with his hand !)

[TW: Blood]

Did the Molly Sticker that I draw :)

*You really think you can erase a living organism?

*Such a pitiful attempt

||Ending time octet cinder mix phase 1.25 Horror cinders P O W E R S rush||

Guys I know it looks really bad but I was trying to do something new so go easy on me?

Marry christmas for everyone We have christmas hot coco
