Game Design in Design

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Dialogue system prototype using an animation state machine that I implemented in my old Unity project.

#Unity #Dialogue #Conversation #Quest #System #RPG #Game


In the last post (…) I forgot to mention that the movement of the moon also affects the water level (tides).

#Unity #Sky #Weather #Sun #Moon #Tide

It's not a game but my web portfolio in development, with gamification system . It's possible move the player sprites with directional buttons on all webView and interact with UI.


Sky and weather mechanics that I implemented in my old Unity project.

#Unity #Sky #Weather #Sun #Moon #Temperature


I really like giving the player little things to interact with.


Prototype of a dismemberment system from my old project.

Limbs behave differently depending on what type of damage they take (they get cut off or destroyed).

#Unity #Limb #BodyPart #Dismemberment #Damaged #Crippled #Severed


Before learning Unity, I was trying to create a game using WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation). This is the main menu background (and it's the only thing that works).

Textures drawn in Inkscape.

#WPF #Game #GameDev #Programming #Inkscape #VisualStudio

Gretta is a mechanic and a mecha specialist, one of the quartet of researchers that will go to the center of the anomaly. Xalcedon wait. 

Screenshots from the early stages of my game development.

#Unity #Game #Racing #Indie #GameDev

Blockout - Game Desert Level - AMF_JC_2

Desert level design v1.2.
