Unspecified Design in Design

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There is this GBA emulator called PizzaBoy which you can customize or change the background.

So, I took images of things about Lavender town, Gengar, Nidorino, Buried alive and thumbnails from Cloudempire's videos to make something

Im bored

drew my roblox avatar bc im tired


In a table top rpg game my uncle ran, my aunts character (and by extension the party) had an old school rattle that could create shifts in reality

It’s her birthday today, and last night me and my dad put this together!

Happy birthday Aoife!

Just a little gift for @_a_Dumb_Artist_

My Decision-Making When I Encounter Anyone Annoying :3

day 1 making random sketches

all the birdmori pixel sprites i have ready so far

feel free to request any headspace characters i havent done :3

It looks like the shadow have his own eyes

#IndieGame #Local_Multiplayer #Bugs #Party #GameDev

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