Ideas in Game Jolt

Wanna post about Game Jolt? This is the place!

>Downloads game designer social media app on phone

>Look inside

>No downloadable games

Guys, I have discord on my phone now

I released a sci-fi game....

Check it out (please don't)

Imagine a world with a Greedy Grackle plushie

That Grackle has so great plushie potential


I just wanted to say that aloud so this is not a "suggestion" nor an "idea" actually, I just wanted you to imagine it

(Bug) messages arent working. also notifications arent working either

@gamejolt I have a idea, a great idea. The idea is that you FUCKING FIX YOURE SITE, how do you like it?

FR: Vous devriez l'acheter aussi, ne serait-ce que pour la cause. =)

EN: You should buy it too, at least for the cause. =)

I just donated to the Cold Drop of Valencia and strongly suggest you guys do the same:…

Spread the word!


wow! 35k users on my web-based level editor πŸŽ‰ (Sprite Fusion) AMA