chatting in Gaming

Talk about gaming!

Battle Pass exclusivity is gone!
Epic confirmed all battlepasses onward are no longer exclusive, any type of item from the battlepass may be added 18+ months after its release, to the item shop for purchase!

My favourite #ZeldaMemory is playing "A Link to the Past" as a kid on my Game Boy Advance.
I played it so much, that even when I had my console banned for a week, I was able to walk a friend through where to get several items by memory over the phone.

What's the best wood type?

We need search settings, like popularity, price, ratings, etc.
specifically popularity so I don't have to sift through random games called ".EXE" or "Paper Mario 82772612687" while searching for content.
Good news, the main section of the map is FINALLY DONE! Don't get me wrong, the game is still only 1% complete; but coding can now commence!
The fact this is real scares me

Will be streaming later on this evening over on YouTube, probably about 7/8pm start (UK TIME)
Just need to stuff my face with some homemade pie 🥧😁