General in Horror


I Made A lot of Progress for only day 1

Who is in control of ultimate custom night?

  15 votes Voting finished

That thing weighs like, what, 200 pounds?

- One of the thoughts of The Victim

Hello folks, it's me again, and as of today on April 27th, 2024, I'd released my very first non-Jax Justun Studios/Haxx Hustun Studios parody mascot horror game known as "Groidd-Ville"!!!!

Hello again folks!!!! It appears that we have FINALLY, some looks at our last two parody cameo characters/mascots of Haxx Hustun Studios from series two!!! HHS PCCs Numbers #22 and #23 are FINALLY here and ready for action!!!!!

I'm doing what I should've from the beginning, figuring out the game's story before I start working on it again

An actual ad for Resident Evil

''An ancient evil lost to time has woken up to give you one last show...''

Here's a project that ive wanting to work for quite a while now:The Prophecy:Retold!

There isnt much right but more will be revealed in the future...

Computer Animations