General in Horror


PERSEPHONE is officially released and available for purchase!
It also comes with controller support and some sound tweaks.
Check it out now!

Geez, I was played old scary game I got jumpscared by some a ghost who their head flying

That's very most scary as well

Gosh I'm about done 😭 👍


I am so not tired tonight that I'm literally 80 PERCENT done with my Fanmade Nick Jr Anomaly take. Here's teaser tho! It'll probably be done by tomorrow morning!

I'm continuing this old fan project 😁

Введение дополнительных сцен с визуальными новеллами в игру позволяет глубже погрузиться в сюжетный контекст и персонажей. Каждая новая сцена служит не только для развития сюжета, но и для формирования атмосферы.

Since I got my take of The Nick Jr Summer Hijacking out of the way, the fanon TNA tape of Sullivan Graham Dream Hijacking should NOW be in the works. Paul Harrison's will obviously be last.