All Posts in Star Wars

May the force be with you...
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What nicknames do you think Bill Cipher would give certain characters? I for one could see him calling Darth Vader “Pork Roast”.

It's hard to pick only one as #MyFavoriteGame so here are some of my faves from various generations!
Aayla secura's death
Planet: Felucia
Clone Legion: 327th "Star corps"
Year: 19 BBY
Era: Clone wars (The clone wars era ended in 19 BBY, and the galactic civil war started in 19 BBY)
Status: Canon
Single-Bladed Lightsabers are inspired by Katana swords, Double-Bladed Lightsabers are inspired by Bo staffs, and Cross guard lightsabers are Inspired by Knights swords.

George Lucas after naming a greedy character Greedo

RIP to the legend James Earl Jones