Simulation / Sandbox / World Builder
Post about Simulation / Sandbox / World Builder!

Astrageldon (Terraria Calamity/Catalyst)
This is my 3rd attempt. Far from flawless, I got hit 9 times.

The silly space slime stood no chance
(i nearly died several times)


Eighth day working on my little sandbox game :)

Apples finished.

Tomorrow i will try adding some thunderstorm and then i will focus on the art of the game.

Each battle runs a real-time sim with 1000+ soldiers simultaneously. Each controlled by a next-gen multi-thread AI, controlling their decisions, pathfinding, & loyalty. With procedural animation, this allows unprecedented character & combat fidelity. 🪖


Seventh day working on my little sandbox game :)

Working on the fruits of the tree, i hope tomorrow it will be done.

Panau Region Crossroads

Glowing in the dark Zipline network looks stunning, White Morp agrees✨

Can you count how many things are going down all at once on this gif?

❗Also: less than 2 weeks before release of Time to Morp (March 7th) and we are pumped💥

Panau Region Entrydoor Crossroads


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