general in Devs

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For day 649 of coding, I have put a counter for how many moving objects there are (not including the one in the starting room)

For day 648 of coding, I have now have the markers work properly

For day 647 of coding, I have attempted to place a maker that indicates if the other objects are in a room. Right now it seems to only recognize one object at a time

For day 646 of coding, I made sure the invisibility doesn't activate until after the knockback is finished

For day 645 of coding, I have adjusted the stepping noise. I don't know if it's the right fit, but it does sound better

For day 644 of coding, I got the sound to play at an appropriate tempo. I will need to make a different sound, because I'm not liking how the steps sound as it is

For day 643 of coding, I have attempted to put a sound effect to the player's steps. Right now it's not playing very frequently, so I'll have to look into it later

For day 642 of coding, I have applied the sound effect to the other objects to see how that goes