Design in GameMaker
For day 406 of coding, I have applied the textbox to the player's card decisions. The box will adjust height to fit all the options available
For 404 of coding, I have place a textbox where the player makes their wager
For day 401 of coding, I have made the adjustments needed to have the textbox change size to fit the scores of each hand
For day 400 of coding, I have applied the textbox to the individual hands formed from a split
I will need to adjust the coding of the score textbox so that it will adjust itself to fit the scores from the split
For day 399 of coding, I have changed the layout on how the point totals are displayed
For day 398 of coding, I have changed the option to return to tile after a split game to reflect similarly to how I changed the other option yesterday.
I have also made a new textbox design to select
For day 396 of coding, I have added textboxes to the player and dealer total. I may consider changing the layout at a later point
For day 395 of coding, I managed to apply the textboxes to each player's hand
For day 394 of coding, I have added the textbox to the selections at the game's results