All Posts in GameMaker Studio 2
For day 616 of coding, I have attempted to have different levels of invisibility based on whether the toggle is on and/or the player stands still long enough
For day 615 of coding, I have made the stand still invisibility and the on-command version compatible. It does feel redundant to have the two together as they are now
For day 614 of coding, I tried to implement part of the invisibility to the player's shadow
For day 613 of coding, I have reverted the knockback process back to how it was before until further notice. I've also made it to where the player will face the same direction as before the bounce
For day 612 of coding, I have altered the knockback process to stop once the player hits the wall
For day 611 of coding, I made sure that the object resets properly whenever the player goes down the stairs
For day 610 of coding, the object can not start moving closer to the player's movement direction
For day 609 of coding, I made an additional object that will start moving on player contact. It seems to not start in the expected direction sometimes
For day 608 of coding, I made it to where the player can turn "invisible" after standing still a bit. The invisibility turns off upon moving
For day 607 of coding, the player is made to move slower while "invisible" to emulate sneaking