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Crusty Island v0.3.0 just posted!

Go download it now! :)

If you have any problems with the game updating, reopen you GameJolt or reinstall the game!

100% - completed, I finished making (Exit of Hell) the game is ready, the release will take place this Friday.


A short video comparing some scenes before and after the recent visual overhaul.

i just found out that @LUKELCS plans on streaming plasma girl sometime in the future, nice. C:

Here's the evolution of MFL FighterZ Thumbnails. In order they are: MFL1 (Release), MFL1 (Final Update), MFL1 (5th Anniversary), MFL2, MFL3 (First Version) and MFL3 (Second Version)


Hello everyone. Well, I've finished making the lighting system. So now I'm kind of trying to make a tile map builder, and I just want to show what my game is now.
(Yes, I reuploaded it, 'cuz it wasn't being liked)

hey look i found plasma girl's original unused logo


Hi, it's me - the dude who's kind of making a lighting system. I'm still trying to make it. So now I'm making it work with 2+ walls, but something went wrong... May I fix it... (When I fix it, I'll show more solid thing than it)


Should i add finishing moves to MFL3? Think of it like Mortal Kombat 1-3 fatalities but theres no character animations cause im lazy.