3dprinting in 3D Art

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Stained glass dye/paint from the Dollar Store kid craft kits. I apply them to translucent PLA and then clear coat over for a great jeweled depth.

Master Sword Monday, because Mondays need wins!

Galaxy’s Edge Style - Droid, Restraining Bolt

3D printed, magnetic, soft felt lined to protect surfaces.



Galaxy’s Edge Style - Droid, Restraining Bolt

3D printed, magnetic, soft felt lined to protect surfaces.


You know, when you were going to complete that one quest and another side quest sends you off on a tangent.

WoW NPC Icon

3D printed, Bic pen core post, Dollar Store yellow lights, generic hair band.

It’s dangerous to go alone…

I 3D-printed and painted Jolteon, but with Gamejolt colors...

So Game-jolteon?

WIP - Pokédex


Haha. Making a bunch of manly men.

The Tarnished Furled Finger - Elden Ring

A finger of corpse wax, furled like a hook.
It is a relic of those who came before, left to help those who would come after.