General in The Jolt Hangout

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Mindfulness : Foamy The Squirrel

witch this video from iLL WiLL PrEss that have good advice on drama on the internet and addiction to the internet.

Mindfulness : Foamy The Squirrel
Mind your mind!Thanks to everyone for the support!(If i missed a thing, sorry :( Been working myself 24/7) illwillpress.comAll the Links, 1 spot: https://ill...

Up nice & early (actually early isn't nice but that's not the saying 🥱) heading into the office to get a bunch of content work done! Genuinely LOVE what I do ❤️

Seb has been making friends with my mum's cat 'Greg' 😺👶

I found my first CHARGED 'Poke Pack' sticker!

on hiatus

In March I turn the big 30 🥳🎂

And honestly I'm fine with it, but Sarah has just asked me 'What I want for my birthday' & genuinely I have no idea 😅 like it'd be cool to get something cool, but honestly I don't want for much.


Played a little the other night (cause kids wanted to see it 😅), super fun puzzle game! Never played the original but this remake is really nice

Thank you Nintendo #gifted

